The pearson guide to Mathematics for IIT-JEE

The main SPECIALTY of this book is that it is in only one link and only one file.(pdf)

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                          to download it just click the image of it.

The password is-

note- "Hello friends,Please note that all materials on this blog are for informational and educational purposes only. If you like them and can afford them,please purchase the materials in order to support the authors' works.Thank you for dropping by."


  1. can u provide full book for pearson maths jee?

  2. The book is jumbled so no use if you want to study systematically

  3. this book is very bad.the pages in this book are randomly arranged.dont use this book

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  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. i wasted my time!!!!!!1and please dont download!!!!!

  7. Book is not Downloading, when clicked the image of book


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